21.3.2024 Workshop on experimental methodology in research and for policymaking 2
A Workshop on experimental methodology in research and for policymaking 2 took place on 21.3.2024 from 9:00 to 16:00. The workshop was focused on discussion on research projects that use experimental methods and bring new insights from different fields that can help formulate better public policies, but also institutions in private markets.
Lata Gangadharan (Monash U), Michal Bauer (Charles U), Duncan James (Fordham U), Dagmara Celik Katreniak (City U of London), Anand Murugesan (CEU), Tomáš Želinský (TUKE) and Zuzana Brokešová (EUBA) presented the results of their research.
In her keynote speech "The gender leadership gap in competitive and cooperative institutions", Lata Gangadharan suggested that environmental conformity to gender stereotypes has an important impact on leadership outcomes and that creating a more cooperative work environment can help mitigate the gender leadership gap. In the afternoon keynote, "Youngism: Experimental Evidence," Michal Bauer presented interesting results from a controlled experiment in which respondents from a representative Czech panel allocated less money to younger adults than to their own or older age groups. Tomáš Želinský and Zuzana Bokešová focus their research on education. In the paper "Exploring the Normative Feature of Aspirations" we learn that social pressure significantly shapes normative aspirations, primarily through social image, as individuals may feel ashamed if they aspire to occupations that require lower levels of education. Zuzana Brokešová: pointed out that in Slovakia the motivation to obtain a master's degree is still significantly stronger than any other potential factor. Dagmara Celik Katreniak presented a joint research project of academics and a public institution "Capital Gains Tax on Property: Enhancing Compliance with Reminder Letters," which aims to improve tax compliance by sending reminders to potential tax defaulters. Duncan James' "Hidden in Plain Sight" contributed to a discussion on the use of different tools to measure individuals' risk preferences and their impact on decision making in financial auctions. Last but not least, Anand Murugesan in "Fighting Cash-for-Votes: Experimental Evidence from India" presented the results of a field experiment focusing on the dangers of the Cash for Votes problem for our democracies, which is very important in this super election year.
Detailed program with abstracts is available here.
Organized with support of APVV-19-0329 and APVV-19-0573 - 18.9.2023 Workshop on experimental methodology in research and for policymaking
The Workshop on experimental methodology in research and for policymaking took place on 18.9.2023 from 9:30 to 16:30. Leading economists from universities on three continents including Robert Slonim (University of Technology Sydney), Cary Deck (University of Alabama), Daniel Woods (University of Innsbruck), Jean-Robert Tyran (University of Vienna, EUBA), Ben Greiner (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Tomáš Želinský (Technical University in Košice) and others shared their knowledge and experience with the participants. In addition to students and teachers from EUBA, their insight into the development of methodology in the field of laboratory and field experiments attracted colleagues from economics faculties from Slovakia and representatives of analytical units of governmental organisations. Read more about the programme here.
The workshop was supported by the projects APVV 19-0573 Evidence-based policy making - economically efficient collecting of voluntary donations and KEGA Implementation of experimental economics as inovative method for development of new skills for economic education.
- Professor Maroš Servátka among the five highest rated Slovak economists
The Slovak Economic Association published a ranking of the evaluation of Slovak economists according to the quality of their publications. This assessment takes into account the Article Impact Score (AIS) of each article. Several employees of the University of Economics ranked high among the evaluated. Professor Maroš Servátka of the Department of Finance of the FNE, who is a member of the BEE4R Lab team, was placed in an excellent 5th place in publications in economic journals. Congratulations!
More information and the whole ranking can be found here:
Research seminar series and workshops
- 12.10.2020
Topic: Separating True Preferences from Noise and Endogenous Effort
Speaker: Tomáš Jagelka, University of Bonn, Institute for Applied Microeconomics
Time and location: 11:00 - 12:30, room2B50
Abstract: We propose a two-stage model of decision-making under risk which explicitly accounts for the fact that any observed choice is preceded by a decision on whether to exert effort. We analyze data from a representative sample of over 1,000 individuals each of whom made choices on 55 incentivized tasks of two different experimental designs for eliciting risk preferences. We demonstrate that our model can be used to evaluate the noise content of a given experimental design and to de-bias risk aversion estimates when necessary. While the two lottery designs we study were used interchangeably in the past, we estimate that a change from the more complex design to the more intuitive one results in a 30% decrease in (rational) inattention. Failure to properly account for decision errors results in estimates of risk preferences biased up to 50% compared to their true values.
- Workshop on Introduction into Experimental Economics
Speaker: Professor Cary Deck (University of Alabama, USA)
Time and location: 9.12.2019, 14:00 - 17:00, room 5C02
Cary Deck is Professor of Economics at the University of Alabama and he has published nearly 80 articles in the world's leading journals, including the American Economic Review and Econometrica. During the workshop, he will present the rules of experimental research - why, on what questions and how to use laboratory and field experiments. The workshop is focused mainly on PhD students and eraly carrer researchers interested in experimental economics. - 10.01.2020
Topic: Forward premia in electricity power markets: an experimental investigation
Speaker: Silvester van Koten (VŠE Praha, CR)
Time and location: 11:00 - 12:30, room 1C02 - 09.12.2019
Topic: How can university´s research institute serve community or How to impact community?
Speaker: Kathy Deck (University of Alabama, USA)
Time and location: 09:30 - 11:00, room 1C02
- 09.12.2019
Topic: The Effects of Different Cognitive Manipulations on Economic Decision Making
Speaker: Professor Cary Deck (University of Alabama, USA)
Time and location: 11:00 - 12:30, room 1C02
- 21.10.2019
Topic: Delegation Based on Cheap Talk
Speaker: Professor Ralph-Christopher Bayer (University of Adelaide, Austrália)
Time and location: 11:00 - 12:30, room 1C02
Abstract: We study a real effort environment, where a delegator has to decide if and to whom to delegate a task. Delegating to a person who is better at the task increases welfare. Potential delegatees send cheap-talk messages about their past performance before the delegator decides. We experimentally test the theoretical prediction that information transmission cannot occur. In our experiment, we vary the message space available to the delegatees and compare the information transmitted and the level of efficiency. Depending on the treatment, the sender can either submit a number indicating how many tasks she solved previously, an interval in which the number of tasks falls, or a free text message. We observe that messages contain information in all treatments. Interestingly, information transmission occurs only in the treatments where messages are intervals or free text but not if messages are exact. The highest efficiency is obtained in the free-text treatment, as delegators are able to extract information contained in the different styles of messages sent by subjects with different abilities. - 23.9.2019
Topic: Voter behavior and behavioral/experimental economics
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ivo Bischoff (University of Kassel)
Time and location: 11:00 - 12:30, room 1C02